Monday, March 24, 2014

Picking Up the Peaces

Hi Y'all!
It's Silvia. Sorry, felt like I should say that after the rather Southern-accented introduction. I'm not Southern. I just like using y'all because in Spanish a second-person-plural is an actual verb tense, but in "proper" english it's like we just ignore the fact that there could be more than one of "you"s. So sometimes we just say " you guys". But y'all is also gender neutral, so for those linguistics-conscious feminists out there like myself, I try not to use the masculine as the default.

That's my spiel. #liberalartscolleges #personalispolitical #iknowthisisnttwitterijustlikehashtags

Also, I'm back to my light-hearted posts because YAY I got a replacement phone YAY! Verizon gave me a little deal, but it was still vair vair expensive and it made my wallet cry. I must say though, I'm rather proud of my week-long stint without a phone. If I hadn't been dealing with a my-identity-has-been-stolen crisis, it could have been a healthy hiatus. As the verizon salesman validated: "A week? That's a looong time, in phone years"

Also, my parents came up from Galesburg to visit for the weekend.

Me and the Dadz

They stayed at my cousin's house and I spent Saturday night with the Frau side of the family making homemade pizza's, drinking wine, remarking on how cute my cousin's daughter Semi is, and catching up. I make a darn good pizza. Aren't I cute?

JK, that's the cute cousin's daughter (second cousin?) I mentioned, not me.

Oh and on Friday night, my parents took me out to Café Iberico. I went there once with my co-workers from Extra (newspaper intenrship) It's a tapas restaurant in the Northern loop. But when I was there before, I only ordered one tapas because I watned to save money. But with my parents here, I went allll out. Ordered two tapas and a paella.  Tapas are a Spanish tradition of ordering many small plates of different kinds of snacks, like oeur d'oeurves (sp???) that are put in the center of the table and then taking little bits of everything. I think this is the best way to eat food, because you get such a variety of flavors of tastes. You don't have to commit. I love living in a big city like Chicago. The food looked and tasted like Spain, a sensory luxury I could never have in Galesburg or Grinnell.

My momma and I got some pics after our meal.

I know I know, I look like my mami, I get it all the time. And for the record, "Frau" doesn't come from the German word meaning woman or Mrs.--The Frau side of my family is the Puerto Rican side, and there's a whole colony of Fraus located on an island off of Spain.

In other news, I didn't mention this before but I got a quarter-time job at a coffee shop downtown. It's a super cute french baker/café/bistro called Toni's and I love working there! Yesterday though, I worked there from 10am-6 and then we had a staff "meeting" a.k.a time to deep clean the entire store for an hour and a half! Surprise! Got back home last night totally wiped out. Sorry, you probably don't care about this.

As for picking up the pieces, I now have a phone, should be getting a new debit card in the mail, and am working on getting a bill with my home address on it so I can go the DMV and get a new license. After I get all the pieces, I'm looking forward to returning to the things I was focused on before but had to push aside as a result---things like getting a summer internship, finding a sublet, writing sporadically for my hometown newspaper, etc. Once I get the pieces and put them all together, I'll be able to roll them out into a shapely base, and take a bite out of my great homemade pizza life. That bite can't come soon enough.

PEACE from my home to yours!


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