Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Happy Birthday!

Dear Chicago,
Happy Birthday! I'm sorry I wasn't there in time for the cake. Maybe next time you should get more, though. Also... I'm pretty sure some people just came for your food.

I hope you weren't expecting a huge dance party, because there were only a few people and I'm not sure if you even invited them.

Also, why would you invite Ms. Tittles and her cupcakes? I mean compared to the Flirty Cupcakes food truck, whose line was 40 feet long, Ms. Tittles' van was so janky! There had to have been someone else you could have invited. I mean, don't you know the muffin man?

Also, just a little tip. Puppets were fun in like 5th grade, but you're old now, you're 177 years old! Time to stop living in your youth.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed your lame --ehem I mean, small-- party--or rather, social gathering. Overall, I must admit that while your birthday party wasn't what it should have been, your other events (re: mardi gras, fashion show, art exhibitions, comedy performances) have surpassed my expectations and for that, I am grateful. May your birthdays never end.


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