Thursday, March 13, 2014

An IrReGuLaR WeDnEsDaY

Well, well, well! If it isn't you internet people again.

Today was not a regular Wednesday for me.

It all started when I looked out the window (the one by my pillow, remember my post?) and saw only white. The sky was white. The roofs were white. And the air in between was all white. After the past few cold days with no precipitation except for a lot of false hope, today's snow blizzard threw me totally off guard.

And this wasn't just any other snow blizzard!  Usually when you think of blizzard, you think of a swirling tornado of snow. But the wind in hyde park this morning didn't work that way. It was more broom-like in it's method, sweeping repeatedly in only one direction. The result was that half of everything was covered in sticky snow, the other half completely bare.

Also, I noticed this on the elevator for the first time. There must've been a complaint about one of the quotes-of-the-day:

Someone must have complained about one of the quotes. Seriously!?
But kindof funny that the apartment felt compelled to respond to the complaint.

Then at the bus stop this morning, I got some pretty pictures of Hyde Park's "good side" (the snowy side).

So that whole half snow/half bare landscape was weird, but I went on my way to my internship at Extra in Humboldt Park.

When I got there, the whole place smelled like it was burning. Literally the place smelled like how your toaster does when crumbs get stuck in the bottom and turn to carbon. "Ummm" I said "does anyone smell anything burning?" in that awkward way one does when one decides to mention the elephant that is currently in the room, especially in this case when it's probably a pyro.

"oh it's just the heaters" said my editor. Jose, another reporter, just nodded. Totally unfazed. Okay, I can do that, I thought, breathing deeply to calm myself and then choking slightly on what was probably ash.

Luckily for me, I only had to be at my internship/toaster for 3 hours today because news was slow and I had only written one article for this week,  so they let me out early. Aaand I had a lunch date with Mary Boria, Urban Studies ISP teacher and previous head of the Urban Studies program. We ate at Cemitas Puebla IT WAS DELISH!

So that's 4 more weird things so far: the smell at Extra, going out to lunch on a weekday! (I usually never let myself do that), talking with Mary, and leaving my internship early. It was nice to mix up the routine a bit, and have some free time do my work for all my classes.

Actually I only had like an hour of "free time" because at 4:30 I headed over to the Third Coast audio/podcast listening sesh!

And I met the education reporter for WBEZ who, as it turns out, did the ACM program when she was a young'n like myself and, furthermore, is BFFs with Mary Boria (my lunch date), and who gave me her card with her editors name when I said I was interested in a summer internship!


And that, my friends, is why you must always #netwerq

I spell it that way because "network" sounds boring but "netwerq" sounds fun, and netwerqing is definitely fun in a nerve-wracking sort of way!

So many exclamation points in this post!


Usually irregularity has a negative connotation, but it's so vital to have irregularities in your life. God forbid nothing every disrupt your routine--that would be a very boring, small life indeed.

Exclamation points are also very vital. And the best is when those two things are combined like they were today, because [!] + [unordinary] = [extraordinary]

And there's nothing like a positive detour from regularity to keep a person inspired.


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