Monday, October 14, 2013

ISP: Independent Study Project

All the classes here in Chicago have been go, go, go since the very beginning. But one component of the program has still been looming over my head. That being the independent study project, or better known as ISP. I mean, Chicago is so big and so many different things are happening in this city. However could I ever narrow down one project to do during my time here... I want to do them all!!

Since that is highly unlikely to happen. This past week I narrowed down my list to one and really focused to make it something I'd be happy to spend my time on here in Chicago.

As I have said before, before this program I had never been to Chicago. So of course I had heard from everyone and the mother about what chicago was "really like". Good, bad and the ugly. Also I heard non-stop about The Bean, Magnificent Mile and of course John Hancock Tower. All the iconic symbols and places that "was" Chicago.

But when I arrived and went through the busy week called orientation. I was pleasantly surprised that after seeing and crossing off my list of "must sees"; that I really wasn't even scratching the surface of what made up Chicago. The true Chicago. The heart of Chicago.

In my mind and in my short time here, one thing or should say 100+ things have screamed out. Saying it/they are what makes up the heart of the city. This "it/they"is the many neighborhoods of Chicago. Miss Dorothy said, that a true Chicagoan doesn't just say they are from Chicago. But they identify themselves with one of those particular neighborhoods.

This in part is the heart of my ISP. I want to make a guide for someone like me or who I was before I came to Chicago. A guide that I wish I would have had if I didn't come to Chicago through the Chicago Program.

So wish me good luck as I begin my process of roaming the city!

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