Sunday, February 9, 2014

Justin Bieber


I'm Katie McKinley, a senior at Hanover College in Hanover, Indiana. I also grew up in the one-stoplight town of Hanover, so this semester in the Chicago Program is my chance to see how people with more stoplights live. After the first week, I still don't pretend to be cool with city stuff: I expect people to steal from me, I expect every train to crash, and I expect I'll cry a lot. FUN!

But really, it is fun. I wasn't on the train that crashed.

I'm in the Arts Program, hoping to intern at a comedy company. I love doing improv and writing sketches and laughing at other people being funny. And I'm a Chemistry major, so I use comedy to maintain sanity.

This winter may be the start of the apocalypse, so forgive me for not posting enough pictures of me doing things that require leaving my apartment (which has big enough windows for me to see other people enjoying the city). Here's a picture from the Chicago History Museum:

We went to the Chicago History Museum on the first Friday of the program. Chicago's history is richer than I'll ever be. These were Dennis Rodman's shoes long before he sang "Happy Birthday," Marilyn-Monroe style, to Kim Jong Un:

Earlier in the week, we went on a scavenger hunt throughout the city. This was either an activity to let us explore the great aspects of Chicago OR an attempt to weed out the weak students in the negative temperatures. Here is a group of students in the Chicago Program (guess which one is me!):

You're wrong. I'm not in that picture.

The first week was great. However, I hope the next stage of the apocalypse is sunny with a high of 75.

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