Sunday, March 2, 2014

Friday 2/28

So let's backtrack a bit to last Friday. Friday's are our core course days. This one was unique because we split up into different groups. The Hyde Parkers got to stay in Hyde Park and meet Ms. Dorothy (teacher, quilt maker, power walker, Chicago connoisseur, and overall inspiration) at UC's social service center. The way I see it, though, Friday's split into 4 chunks:
1. Hyde Park art center
2. Du Sable history museum
3. Clybourne Park performance
4. UC Mardi Gras festivity

1. Hyde Park Art Center. It's current exhibition challenged the notion of high art by intermingling well-known artist's works with lesser known local artists. I peeked into a room and saw a bunch of elderly women from the community making pottery together. So cute! My phone was being silly, but David (roomie, football player, German accent, die-hard sea hawks fan) took some pictures.

Oh hey there's Brooke and I!

Oh hey its Liane, Silvia (me), and lil' Brookey


Heya Jake! David took a creeper pic of you!
2. Du Sable Museum of African-American History. Notables: A great start to the museum with some fascinating masks from different parts of Africa. The "endangered species" exhibit featuring visual, graphic art exploring the role of race and masculinity in society. Knock yourself out.
I don't have any pics from this. Sorry, you'll have to use your imagination. Or, I know, DO THE ACM PROGRAM! (shameless plug. Shameless b/c this entire blog site is a plug).

3. Clybourne Park performance. A great play based off of book Raising in the Sun. Explored gender, race, sexuality, "politically correct" terminology, all through the set up of one house owned by different generations and demographics over time. Wish we could've had an audience-based discussion with the cast/crew afterwards.

4. Mardi Gras at UC. If you're an ACMer who lives in Hyde Park, likes free food, and is interested in networking, then you are probably inflitrating UC whenever possible. I have crashed a handful of their events already. I really recommend it. This time, me and 3 other Hyde Parkers went to their Mardi Gras event in Ida Noyes hall. Brooke and I got to see the last part of a performance of Second City... FOR FREE.
UC Mardi Gras

Second City

 ...Sorry not as great of pictures as David's. I'm just kindof impatient.

So there's a slice of life blogpost for ya. Or rather, chunks of Friday. Ew.

Anyway, until next time!


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