Got this...
then got this...
(ugh, makes me cry that you're too ADD to actually watch that)
Friday night after my shift at iO, my fave performer grabbed me and was like, "HEY COME UP AND PERFORM WITH US." And I was like, "ARE YOU CRAZY NO WAY." And he was like, "COME ON PLZ." etc. So I did perform. How insane is that?
Then Saturday I went to a show at Second City solo, and doesn't this girl look like she's stretching out her flirt muscles?
I, on the other hand, moved seats because I was too exposed and needed an audience member to slump behind. #allmysingleladies
Then I did an open-mic. Then I scavenged all of Chicago for chocolate to repair my damaged soul, but everywhere was closed. So I went home and watched MGMT and Pharrell perform at Coachella.

Sunday the arts seminar group went to this Second Story thing, where everyone was awarded a cupcake. We heard a story about a guy who teaches people how to masturbate for a living and I'm serious.
Quick shout-out to paper towel dispensers for coming so far.
And here's a food selfie or whatever it's called on Instagram. This was my lunch at my internship today.
I was starving.
This was Katie. I forgot to tell you at the beginning not to waste your time reading this. Email me at for a full refund on life wasted.
Who thinks Veep was better than Mad Men last night?
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