Each week as I sit down and work on my Five on Friday posts I get lost on how much time is actually passing by. It always seems that I could be doing more and seeing more in this amazing city. This week had a lot of reflection of my time spent in the city and the things I will take back to my own campus. Whether it be skills learned from the city, appreciation of the now or just some good memories..
This silly hashtag or saying is the motto for the rest of the time here in Chicago. Basically it means - Take life by horns - Go out and see new things in the city and just be spontaneous with life! A couple of the students in the program came up with this saying. The concept of it just resonates so much with my life right now. So here is to another week. DOERS!!
Our Business and Entrepreneur Seminar group were lucky enough to spend the day at Groupon. The Chicago based company has been an instant success since its start in 2008. I talked to Patrick McNight of Beloit who is in the Business and Entrepreneur Seminar about his visit.
What was your overall visit like at Groupon?
Our visit overall was great, because there was a nice balance between very experienced workers who knew a ton about the company and workers who were still learning but could offer more insight that pertained to us as students more directly as well. Everyone was very receptive and Zach [our guide] even made the effort to send us some questions as a prompt for our discussion that related to very current dealings of Groupon.
How did the visit add to your learning experience in Chicago?
The visit was another chance for us to do some research on a company and interact with its website, and then see up close and personal whether out expectations from that research were met, or if things surprised us. I think this a valuable experience because it helps us as students and future workers to keep things in perspective when it comes to findings from research and other's perceptions of a person, company , etc. It was also a chance to see a company that started from nowhere and became the fastest growing company ever according to some (they have 12,000 employees and deals running in 48 countries) and now is working to sustain growth, and seeing this kind of success for a company in a big city helps us as potential entrepreneurs understand that although competition is fierce in a city like Chicago, there is also a lot of opportunities is you can gain traction with a business or even an idea.
Did you learn anything new?
My biggest takeaway from the visit was the continued emphasis on the importance of experiencing and learning from failure that has become a theme of many of our visits with entrepreneurs or people working in business in Chicago. It was also great to see how even a company considered to be the fastest growing ever had to consider the limits of their own business strategies and incorporate something new when the opportunity to do so was there. I also saw the power of the networking because Phil was able to secure a job at Groupon by working there as a temp, which was made possible by a Beloit alum who gave him an opportunity to see how it worked out for Phil and the business before hiring on full time.
Would you consider working in Chicago after being in the Business and Entrepreneur seminar?
Definitely. One reason I had for doing the program overall was to see whether or not I might like to live and/or work in Chicago someday, and the exposure i have gotten during seminar has shown just how many different types of successful businesses are out there, whether that be because of the industry, market, size, philosophy or about any way you could imagine businesses being different. For this reason, I think there is a good fit for anyone who has a passion for doing something and is comfortable as well as excited to work in the city.
Being Sick in the City
Now, Five on Friday is supposed to highlight my favorite things of my past week. Being sick is not one of my favorite things. However, knowing how to fight being sick away from home is some GREAT advice for any student in the Chicago Program. Until this past weekend I had been illness free. But the after the weekend I was unlucky enough to have a sinus infection. Here are my tips of getting over a cold without going to the doctors.
6 Papers, 2 Workshops, 2 Days
There are a lot of creative individuals in our Art Seminar. Not all who are visually creative. But the majority of who are writers! For the past couple of weeks we have all worked on a creative non-fiction piece about ourselves. Shanna Yetman from
2nd Story, a Chicago based live lit collective, came in to lead a intensive 2 day workshop for the papers. As an art history major writing I write papers all the time. However, this was different for me. This was a story about me. The 2 intense days were rough on all of us in my Art seminar class. But it was worth it in the end!
ELIVIS IS ALIVE... Or just for one night
Flyer created by ACM Student Carly Ellefsen |
Yes, Chicago History Murder Mystery.
Doesn't it just roll off the tongue? The Art ISP group wanted to play with the idea of
space and
collaboration for our group project. In the end we came up with a night filled with food, conversation, Chicagoans and murder. The old ACM office served as our venue for the night. A visual group worked to decorate the space into a creepy, yet elegant space. While the writing group created our murder mystery. One of my favorite part of the murder mystery was the character list we chose. Oprah, Frank Lloyd Write, Bertha Palmer, Mrs. O'Leary, Don Dillinger, Al Capone, Velma Kelly and Roxy Hart, H.H Holmes, Resurrection Mary, Marshal Fields, President Obama were all in attendance. Food and drinks were served when our guests arrived. Until suddenly we were all notified that two young girls the
Grimm sisters had been found dead. Clues and motives were given to help find the killer who was revealed at the end of the night. It was a fantastic time and serve as one of my favorite memories of Chicago!!

Sarah Longfellow as , Cynthia Cruz as Al Capone and
Patrick McKnight asPresident Obama |