Sunday, September 29, 2013

Lake Michigan, Amongst Other Things

I like Lake Michigan. Maybe that's a trite way to start things, but it's the truth. I live so close to Montrose beach, to the dog park, actually. I love to watch the dogs jump in the water. They never really tire of it. I wish I was more like that. To be delighted with the world around me, to do the same exact things with the same exact vigor every day.

I like to draw it. I like to draw the surf. I can never quite capture the movement of the water, but I like to think I can catch the idea. It's all been particularly inspiring to me. I've been here a whole month, and everything still fills me with awe. Maybe I'm more like the dogs than I thought.

Tata for now.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

I'm Vaughn. Now Lets Start This Adventure...

Until about a week and half ago I had never been to Chicago. Nope, not even once in elementary school. So on a whim of wanting to get out and explore the big world, I threw out my worries and started looking for the perfect fit for my adventure. There in my counselor's office is when I knew the Chicago Program would be my perfect fit.

Hi, my name is Vaughn and yes I have a large wonderful case of wanderlust. I hail from Hanover College where I am an Art History major and part of the Business Scholars Program.

I hope you enjoy my adventure in Chicago! 

Monday, September 16, 2013

I am Now BFFs with Chicago

So this is probably one of the best ways to be welcomed into Chicago: Riot Fest. 10/10, would recommend. It was a totally awesome, totally crazy weekend! The first night I went (Friday) my goal was primarily to see Fall Out Boy (not that I didn't appreciate all the other pop/punk bands that showed up). I'm still raving about how great it was.

I showed up three hours early just to get the lay out down and listen to some great music. I was wandering around Humboldt Park when I ran into someone I've always wanted to meet, Mark Hoppus (the bassist of Blink-182). I walked up to him and told him that I loved his band and I appreciated what he did. He then told me that he liked my hair. Rad.

So, that may seem pretty hard to top. But that night did. Twice. I got right up against the barricade for Fall Out Boy (that is, the first 2-3 rows of people, it's pretty much a big deal). I was in a group of girls who were a bit smaller than me (being around 5' and I'm easily 5'6''). I was there specifically because I could see around them. Well, the crowd started moshing, and Fall Out Boy fans are notorious for being unruly in mosh pits (knocking each other down, etc). A couple of VERY LARGE dudes were crowd surfing and came right over my group of petite friends. Two of the girls fell, so I was hold these two guys up alone. I soon crumbled along with them. So, we now have at least six people on the ground in a mosh pit freaking out, probably because they're afraid of getting trampled (totally reasonable). Now, I play rugby back at Hanover College. I'm a prop, which is a difficult position. You get tackled and tackle a lot and spend a lot of time rolling around on the ground dodging cleats. This was very useful experience to me. I protected my head and my hands and somehow found a way to push two of the girls off me and back upright. Then I got one of the dudes up. He got the other dude up. Then they picked me up, and up, and over. I was crowd surfing. ME! CROWD SURFING! It was awesome. I surfed my way across and PETE WENTZ GAVE ME A HIGH FIVE as I went over the barricade into the staff member's arms. Seriously. Like whaaaaat.

Then, on the way home, I found some street art that I think is probably by the street artist Swoon. I'm not entirely sure, but my research points to a yes. If not, it's still some pretty fly street art and I'm definitely going back to document it. I absolutely love Swoon and I would definitely like to prove that these works are hers. But that's a project for another day.

And I went back to Riot Fest on Sunday. It rained literally all day long. I even took a nap in the rain at one point (I had only had four hours of sleep, give me a break) on top of a pile of posters and woke up because my feet were wet. My island had flooded. But, it got me warm and moving. I went to see Brand New (they never tour, it's a big deal) and the Wonder Years primarily and got to see All Time Low as an added bonus. At the Brand New show I moshed really hardcore in shin-deep mud.
This mud pit, actually.
Brand New, Riot Fest, Sunday
*credit to chemicalkidsunderthesea on tumblr

 Here's some photos from Riot Fest, none of which were mine, because I lost my phone on Thursday and just recently got a new one (and by recently I mean today. So, I'm also really proud of myself for making it around the city without Google Maps to help me out).

Joan Jett and the Blackhearts, still great after all these years, Friday Night
*credit to rottenrapture on tumblr

Pete Wentz of Fall Out Boy, Riot Fest, Friday Night (I am the ginger head in front of this person)
*credit to deremeto-jump at tumblr

The Wonder Years, Riot Fest, Sunday (I'm directly in front of the guy with the cup. He spilled it on me. It was just lemonade. It's fine.)
*credit to secondcitybom519 on tumblr

Also, here is a bonus pick of the pants I wore on Sunday to Brand New:

and my shoes too, I guess

shoes and pants from Riot Fest, Sunday 9-15-13

obviously, they both need some TLC. However, I have more important things to do, like homework and blogging and eating potato chips and watching Netflix.

Anyway, until next time.
Sara Wines

Friday, September 13, 2013

Welcome Home! Or at Least, Welcome Here

Well, the first week in Chicago went off without a hitch. But, hey, I'm getting ahead of myself. Let's start with some introductions.

My name is Sara. I'm a Junior Studio Art Major at Hanover College. I'm in Chicago to learn more about the world in the context of a real metropolis, seeing as I've never lived in a town with a population of more than 3,000 people. Now, that may worry you, dear reader. Sure, these near two weeks have been somewhat of a culture shock for me. However, for lack of better terms, I was spoiling for a fight with something new. With something different. I was willing to place my bets on good luck in Chicago. And I got it in spades. I mean, just look at my apartment building:

 Pensacola Place

That's a big difference from a 3-bedroom farmhouse on a dirt road. But, it's exciting to me. I love the raw newness. I love just being here. Just seeing something new, getting a new context for analysis of the world around me. I mean, the city is just so alive. The breeze sizzles with conversation, the smell of food, a whiff of Lake Michigan (and sometimes some nastier scents, but we'll not dwell on that).

And man, have things ever been packed in the way of scheduling. Orientation was so fast-paced and exciting. If I hadn't already been running on the compounded energies of that excitement, nervousness, and caffeine, I would have crashed and burned like a paper airplane in a volcano (or something more poetic, fill in the blanks). But, I think my favorite event was the city scavenger hunt. Basically, we had to run around in groups of 3 or 4 and take different modes of transportation (buses, the L, the good ole bipeds) to explore Chicago. So, you learn some practical knowledge (ie: buses aren't scary, bus drivers know everything, postal workers can direct you anywhere, etc) and some personal knowledge (you get to know how your teammates handle stress really really well after about the 4th time you get lost). Here's some of my favorite places:
The Center on Halstead (That's Sam, he's cool)

Cubs Stadium (I'm the ginger on the left)

This is just a fun picture of Sus on a Divvy Bike, enjoy

and the Art Institute

There's some really cool stuff hanging out in Chicago, if you're unaware. Come visit. Or, you know, come stay for a term or something. I recommend it and I've been here less than a month. 

Speaking of cool things in Chicago, I'd just like to bring up my internship (my interview went swimmingly, thanks to the workshops we did in orientation *thanks*). I work at the Chicago Urban Arts Retreat Center. It's a really fun place that works to promote peace and equality on a local and global scale. Right now I'm working on connecting with local youth groups to participate in the (free) Peace by Piece Youth Fashion Show. Kids get the chance to create fashions that promote peace while connecting with their community in a positive way. The event is on September 28th at the Gorilla Tango Theater. (By the way, if you know any youth groups that might like to participate or would like to sponsor a group, you can email me at

Another fun place to visit is the Museum of Contemporary Art. My ISP class took a visit there this week. That was really fun and amazing (also, it's free on Tuesdays, crazy right? Bet you can't guess what day we went). Some of the art we saw really made an impression on me, so I highly recommend making the trip (especially on a Tuesday, if you catch my drift).

I'll update you guys again ASAP with more of my adventures in the Second City. Now, it's bedtime for this student.

Sara Wines